A star plot is a multi-data representation of information. It uses various points to display the information within the plot. It uses spokes (lines) to connect the points within it. The data length of a spoke is proportional to the magnitude of the variable for the data point relative to the maximum magnitude of the variable across all data points. The above map is an example of a star plot, showing the crime rates within certain cities. It does not show the data used to mark each point but it shows how each point is different than other cities and how variables affect the image. The points given in each give the appearance of the star giving the name a star plot.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Correlation Matrix
A correlation matrix uses two or more variables to describe something. One variable is a correlation of the other. The above matrix describes an unknown area. It shows how certain items, such as different types of pollution and temperature affect each other. It is used to describe mathematical information about a place. A correlation matrix can also be used to describe distances. One city location compared to another affects the distance between each other. A lot of atlases have correlation matrices of mileages showing different cities.
Parallel Coordinate Graph
Triangular Plot
A Triangular Plot is used to chart or document proportions or percentages that are caused by three variables. There are three sides of the triangle, using each side for one of the variables. The points on the chart are then placed accordingly based on each variable.
A Windrose is a tool to show meteorologists how wind speeds and directions are generally distributed over a certain area. The length of the spokes show the frequency of the wind speeds. The center of the Windrose is the starting point of the chart. It starts at zero and gets larger towards the outer portion of the circle.
A climograph is used to show the monthly precipitation and temperature conditions for a desired place. The climograph uses both a bar graph to show one variable and a line graph shows the other. For example, the above graph has a red bar graph and blue line graph used to show the other variable. Along the bottom shows each month that the data was retrieved.
Population Profile
Scatter Plot
Scatter Plots are created to show the relationship between two variables. A point is plotted at value that is determined using the second variable. It is based on ninety degree angles and using an x and y axis.
Index Value Plot
The Index Value Plot is typically a explanation of progress over time. It does not give exact values but it shows increases and decreases over that period of time. The information is the current flow of productivity. For example, prices of rising and lowering in the stock market over an amount of time could be listed on an Index Value Plot.
Lorenz Curve
A Lorenz Curve is a representation of probability or percentage data. The creator, Max Lorenz, used the Lorenz Curve to explain income distribution. In the above map, there is a different blue curve for each change in coefficient.
Bilateral Graph
A Bilateral Graph generally has a baseline of zero. The information within the graph shows a variables increase and decrease in response to a second variable. The above Bilateral Graph shows how hard or how much force was used by a person using a row in the water. The second variable is the time through the stroke or each row.
Nominal Area Choropleth Map
Unstandardized Choropleth Map
The Unstandardized Choropleth has a legend but if noticed there is no actual value attached to each color. The purpose of an Unstandardized Choropleth is to give a basic idea of the information without giving actual values for each location. The map above gives a low end population count and a high end population count. Everything between the two colors are estimates without having actual data numbers.
Standardized Choropleth Map
A Standardized Choropleth has only one set of data as well. The information or data within a standardized choropleth is based on percentages. It is broken down in groups and an overview. For example, the above map shows a general percentage of people or population for each state in the United States.
Univariate Choropleth Map
An Univariate Choropleth also uses color to show the data that is needed to be represented. The difference is an Univariate Choropleth only shows one set of data. The above Univariate Choropleth shows the 2004 election votes.
Bivariate Choropleth Map
A Bivariate Choropleth Map shows two different variables using color schemes. It generally us shows spatial difference of two variables along with the geographic differences between the two variables. For instance, the above map compares the population density and the change of density over central Russia. A Bivariate Choropleth Map is usually used to compare data of two variables.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Unclassed Choropleth Map
Classed Choropleth Map
Choropleth maps are used to compare information throughout the map. For instance, this map compares the number of males per every hundred females within that state. It uses shades of colors for different numbers of males. The darker the green the more males compared to every hundred females. Each area or class is assigned a different symbol or color in a classed choropleth map. Each classed choropleth map has some classed information or statistical data represented in it, such as number of observations, or different quantities and qualities areal variables.
Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
The Range Graded Proportional Circle Map also uses circles to describe information. Circles are used because it is easier for the reader to understand. Generally, the Range Graded Proportional Circle Map has information that does not change often. It should also be noted, that one of the big factors for this type of map is that the information is broken into groups and each circle size describes a different group.
Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map
A continuously variable proportional circle map gives data that can change. It shows an amount based on the size of the circle. For instance, the map above shows types of industries in different areas. There are several sets of data within each circle. The larger the circle the more to that industry. But it should be noted, the data is always changing.
A DOQQ, is actually called a Digital Ortho Quarter Quad. A DOQQ is a computer generated image. It uses an aerial photo and then uses computer technology to take out the distortion caused by camera angles and other flaws. The qualities of a DOQQ have photo aspects along with geometric aspects found in a map.
A DLG is known as a Digital Line Graph. The purpose of a DLG is to show different information such as boundaries, roadways, and utility lines. DLG's are digital representations of cartographic information. The DLG above shows the boundary, hydrography, and transportation layers of Dancyville, Tennessee.
This is an isopleth image of a detailed water balance of the upper part of the lower Portneuf River valley. The purpose of an isopleth image is to show features of meteorological charts, connecting points which have an equal value of some variable at a given time and spatial area. This shows the possibilities of future water output over time. It compares what is seen at a particular time to a possibility in the future for that feature. The isopleth uses contour lines to demonstrate the possible water levels over different times.
Isohyets are used in meteorology to show the rain fall. It gives data on average rain fall for a particular area during a certain time period. This information is demonstrated generally by two ways. One type of Isohyet might be displayed by color shades. The use of contour lines can also be applied.
Isobars are maps using contour lines to show atmospheric pressure. It generally is measured in millibars. This type of map is used in meteorology.
This is a sample of Mt. St. Helen, taken by NASA. The LIDAR (Light Detecting and Ranging) measures properties of scattered light to find range and/or other information of a distant target by using an optical remote sensor. The information retrieved can track changes over time in a particular area.
Doppler Radar
This image is a Doppler radar screen from the well known weather channel. Doppler radar images uses an antenna to send a microwave out and the wave returns to the antenna gathering information. In weather, the antenna sends out pulses and based on the precipitation determines the strength of the returned wave. Doppler affect is used in many different items such as radar guns, used by law enforcement. The same affect is used to create images of areas to show rain and storms. Doppler radar does not just mean weather radar. Doppler is the effect of the antenna.
Black and White Aerial Photo
Infrared Aerial Photo
This is an infrared aerial photo of water bodies of the Plum Island Sound Estuary in northeastern Massachusetts . The purpose of an infrared aerial photo is show change over time. It uses portions of spectrum lights to watch changes within the area. It can show how diseases and toxins affect certain areas over time. If the lights are filtered properly then this type of photo can explain important information. It is used by a lot of research groups.
Cartographic Animations
Cartographic Animation is used to show change over periods of time. A series of pictures could be used to demonstrate differences in land aspects over a certain time period. Or, like the image above, it could be computer generated to show the change. The news uses Cartographic Animation to show the change in rain bands over different time periods.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Statistical Map
Statistical Maps show quantities along with areas where those quantities come from. For instances, the map above shows who one the electoral votes within the states along with the distortion of the states representing the amount of votes.
Cartograms show the area with distortion. It uses area size to show a certain statistic. For example, a Cartogram map demonstrating population would have a larger area to show more people as compared to a smaller area with less people. The above map shows the U.S. population. The more population in the area, the area becomes more distorted and is displayed larger.
Flow Maps
Isoline Maps
An Isoline Map uses lines to show equal values within the data. If the data, such as precipitation rates, elevation, population gets closer in value then the lines get closer within the map. The above image shows the precipitation rate for Mexico. As the lines get closer the precipitation rate get closer for that area.
Proportional Cirlce Map
A Proportional Map is used to describe data. The larger type circle shows a larger number. The map above is an example of a proportional circle map. The circle within the map are all similar, but the diameter is different. The circles demonstrate population over one spot or area. There is generally a value assigned to the different sized circles.
Chloropleth Map
Chloropleth Maps show statistical data based on color shading. It can be used like other forms of maps to show percentages of certain areas. The above map shows the population of males for every hundred females. With the map above the, the darker the shading the more males there are in the area. Usually there is a scale describing the shading within the map.
Dot Distribution Maps
A Dot Distribution Map is generally used to show population. The brighter or larger dot clusters show more population in that general area. The U.S. Census Bureau uses Dot Distribution Maps to explain the population census for the year 2000. Which the map above is found on the U.S. Census Bureau website.
Propaganda Maps
Propaganda Maps are a type of political map. They display information based on politics or events. For example, the above map shows what Europe would have looked like if Germany won WWI. Propaganda Maps do no only have to show land but can show a political picture to give some description.
Hypsometric Map
Hypsometric Maps are similar to Topographic Maps, which show elevation. The interesting aspect of Hypsometric maps is that it can use color shading, contour lines, or other descriptions to describe the elevation. For instance, the picture above shows dark blue, being the deepest, the lighter blue is a little higher, and finally the white being the most elevated land.
A PLSS map, or correctly called a Public Land Survey System map, help citizens understand which land in the U.S. is owned by the Federal Government. If you notice, the above map the white states do not involve themselves in this program. These types of maps are generally broken up by six square mile ranges and have parcel lines to show the different owners.
Cadastral Map
A Cadastral Map shows ownership of land parcels. For example, Bay County has a Property Appraisers web site. This site can show lot ownership for different neighborhoods. The above image shows an aerial shot of a neighborhood. The red lines break up each property owners lots. Then it numbers each lot to show ownership as opposed to typing the owners names.
Thematic Maps
A Thematic map shows the spatial distribution of a certain attribute. For instance, a map could show the a thematic distribution, using color shades, to show the different voting choices for different areas. The above map shows the population density for the United States. It uses shads of orange to show the more or less population for the area.
Topographic Map
This is a very important map to me. This is an example of a topographic map. It describes landmarks and landscapes to demonstrate the area. Most topographic maps show contour lines to demonstrate hills and heights of the land. This map shows Camp Blanding, which is in the middle of Florida. I use a topographic map of this location every year for military training.
Planimetric Maps
The above map is a Planimetric Map or sometimes called a line map. A planimetric map shows locations on only a horizontal level. It does not show elevation like the topographic map. Planimetric maps are more likely to be computer generated images such as the one above. These types of maps are simple to read, usually displaying roadways, buildings, and other physical locations
Mental Maps
The purpose of mental maps are to portray someones personal view or concept of the world or a location. For example, when someone draws out a map from a restaurant to their house on a napkin, that would be considered a mental map. The image is coming from a memory of the area and not to scale. The image above would be an example of someones mental map of coal city, Il.
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